Terms of Service

To provide the most outstanding client service that is personalized and perfectly tailored to their clients’ needs.
We continue to evolve the business of real estate by living this vision.



Congratulations on your decision to purchase a home in Zagreb!While this decision is an exciting one, the steps required to purchase a home are numerous and can become confusing. This is why we are here to help clarify the process and assist you on your endeavor.


We here at REA look forward to working with you throughout the process of selling your home. This is why we are here to help clarify the process and assist you on your endeavor. It might take some time  to ready your home for the sale, then it normally take time to identify a qualified buyer. So, let’s get started!


Looking to open or expand your business in office or retail space, or just curious about opportunities to invest in commercial real estate? We at REA have experience in the Zagreb commercial real estate and are available to assist you.